Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Part 1: Why Selenium

Its a simple question arise when you think about selecting your automation tool. The answer is pretty simple.

1. Its Open sourse!!
2. Its easy to learn and impliment..
3. Supports multiple browsers.
4. Supports multiple scripting/programming languages.
5. Flexible to your choice, simple record and playback (IDE), Comple Framework design to your choice by using your favorite programming language.
6. Supports parellel execution.


  1. i am a beginner and i dont know java can i able to learn selenium any one please reply

  2. Yes you can learn selenium IDE, Its just as an add-on on the firefox browser, using which you can record your tests and play them when required. The limitation of IDE is it can only be used on firefox.

    If you are looking to test on multiple browsers, you need Selenium Grid or WebDriver, which requires a knowledge of java. And again you are not needed to be a Java pro to do this, a simple learning will help.

    You can search the youtube.com for Selenium Tutorials(Also Java tutorials) , They will answer all your doubts.

    Hope this helps.


  3. What is the need for Selenuim Tool, i mean related to what kind of scenarios? Thanks!
